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팜플렛 다운로드

11월 8일(금)     대한골대사학회 제24차 연구워크숍

13:00-13:10 개회사 대한골대사학회 회 장 김낙성
Session 1 Advanced Research Technologies for Visualizing the Microscopic World 좌장: 김정은(경북의대)
이윤실 (서울치대)
13:10-13:40 Single-molecule methods for studying DNA repair and cellular communications 이종봉 (포항공대 물리학과)
13:40-14:10 Studying biology at molecular resolution by cryo-EM 노성훈 (서울대 생명과학부)
14:10-14:40 Understanding near-to-native state: cryo-correlative microscopy and image analysis using AI 김용재 (ZEISS Korea)
14:40-14:50 Coffee Break
Session 2 Live Workshop of Research Skills 좌장: 이광표(한국생명공학연구원)
15:00-15:30 Analytical methodology for mouse NMJ studies 강종순 (성균관의대 분자세포생물학과)
15:30-16:00 Proteomic sample preparation and its applications in mass spectrometry 문정희 (한국생명공학연구원
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
Session 3 Innovations in Longevity: Senolytics, Geroprotectors, and Global Data 좌장: 이현승(충남의대)
16:20-16:50 Current clinical research on senolytics 김천아 (한국생명공학연구원 노화융합연구단)
16:50-17:20 Common data model을 활용한 다국적 임상 연구 조재형 (계명의대 ICT사업)
17:20-17:50 Geroprotectors offering innovative solutions to combat aging and disease 조경아 (전남의대 생화학교실)
17:50-18:00 폐회사 대한골대사학회 이사장 백기현

11월 9일(토)     대한골대사학회 제35차 추계학술대회

Time Room 1 Room 2
08:30-09:00 등록
09:00-09:10 개회사대한골대사학회 회장 김낙성
Symposium 1. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Tackling Osteoporosis and Fractures Symposium 2. Advances in Bone-Mimicking Systems
09:10-09:35 What is Our Treatment Plan to Young Women with High Risk of Fractures? 이경욱 고려의대 산부인과 Oxygen Gradient Chip & Shape Memory Scaffold for Osteochondral Regeneration 성학준 연세의대 의공학교실
09:35-10:00 Unveiling the Impact of Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications on Bone Health 주지현 가톨릭의대 류마티스내과 Bioengineered Bone Organoids on Osteoid-Mimicking Demineralized Bone Paper 이정우 University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
10:00-10:25 Keeping Bones Strong in CKD Patients: The Optimal Strategy 김지은 고려의대 신장내과 Well-Plate Format Bone-on-a-Chip System for Bone Metabolism Research 김정아 한국기초과학지원연구원 연구장비개발부
10:25-10:50 Debunking Myths: Is Stopping Anti-Resorptives Always necessary in Dental Procedures? 김진우 이화의대 구강악안면외과 Heterogeneous Osteoimmune Profiles via Single-Cell Transcriptomics in osteoporotic Patients who fail Bisphosphonate Treatment 김건화 한국기초과학지원연구원 디지털오믹스연구부
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Plenary lecture
11:10-12:00 Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression 류현모 (서울치대 치과약리학교실)
Sponsored Lecture
12:00-12:15 The Therapeutic Roles of Drinkable Alendronate in Osteoporosis Patients (Masibon S)안성희 인하의대 내분비내과
12:15-13:00 Lunch
Keynote Symposium
The Crossroads of Bone and Other Tissues: Exploring Interactions and Implications
13:00-13:25 The Lifelong Dynamic Duo: Bone and Muscle김범준 울산의대 내분비내과
13:25-13:50 Bone and Fat: Friends or Foes?이현승 충남의대 내분비내과
13:50-14:15 Bone and Tendon: The Ultimate FriendsElazar Zelzer Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Presidential lecture
14:15-14:35 A Journey from Fruit Flies to Human Skeletons : Unveiling the Fine-Tuners of Bone Homeostasis김낙성 전남의대 약리학교실
14:35-14:55 Coffee Break
Symposium 3. Fractures as Our Primary Outcome: Key Insights and Strategies Symposium 4. Advances in Muscle Research
14:55-15:20 Life-Saving Hip Fracture Surgery in Seniors: Overcoming Medical Obstacles 이영균 서울의대 정형외과 Characteristic of Muscle Fatty Degeneration in Patients with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2B and Animal Models 문영재 전북의대 생화학분자생물학교실
15:20-15:45 Rethinking Vertebroplasty: Holistic Approaches to Acute Compression Fractures 이병호 연세의대 정형외과 Reinforcing Differentiation of Oxidative Muscle Fibers and Mitochondrial Biogenesis by RORα-Mediated Upregulation of TFAM in Myosteatosis 이미옥 서울대 약대 약학과
15:45-16:10 Life After a Fracture: Comprehensive Aftercare for Better Recovery 임재영 서울의대 재활의학과 Epigenetic Strategies for Reversing Mammalian Aging 양재현 한국과학기술원 뇌인지과학과
16:10-16:20 Break
2024 학술대상
16:20-16:40 TBD이유미 (연세의대 내분비내과)
16:40-16:50 2024 연구상, 젊은연구자상, 우수논문상 시상
16:50-17:00 총회
17:00-17:05 폐회사대한골대사학회 이사장 백기현

11월 8일(금)     대한골대사학회 제24차 연구워크숍

13:00-13:10 개회사 대한골대사학회 회 장 김낙성
Session 1 Advanced Research Technologies for Visualizing the Microscopic World 좌장: 김정은(경북의대)
이윤실 (서울치대)
13:10-13:40 Single-molecule methods for studying DNA repair and cellular communications 이종봉 (포항공대 물리학과)
13:40-14:10 Studying biology at molecular resolution by cryo-EM 노성훈 (서울대 생명과학부)
14:10-14:40 Understanding near-to-native state: cryo-correlative microscopy and image analysis using AI 김용재 (ZEISS Korea)
14:40-14:50 Coffee Break
Session 2 Live Workshop of Research Skills 좌장: 이광표(한국생명공학연구원)
15:00-15:30 Analytical methodology for mouse NMJ studies 강종순 (성균관의대 분자세포생물학과)
15:30-16:00 Proteomic sample preparation and its applications in mass spectrometry 문정희 (한국생명공학연구원
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break
Session 3 Innovations in Longevity: Senolytics, Geroprotectors, and Global Data 좌장: 이현승(충남의대)
16:20-16:50 Current clinical research on senolytics 김천아 (한국생명공학연구원 노화융합연구단)
16:50-17:20 Common data model을 활용한 다국적 임상 연구 조재형 (계명의대 ICT사업)
17:20-17:50 Geroprotectors offering innovative solutions to combat aging and disease 조경아 (전남의대 생화학교실)
17:50-18:00 폐회사 대한골대사학회 이사장 백기현

11월 9일(토)     대한골대사학회 제35차 추계학술대회

Time Room 1 Room 2
08:30-09:00 등록
09:00-09:10 개회사대한골대사학회 회장 김낙성
Symposium 1. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Tackling Osteoporosis and Fractures Symposium 2. Advances in Bone-Mimicking Systems
09:10-09:35 What is Our Treatment Plan to Young Women with High Risk of Fractures? 이경욱 고려의대 산부인과 Oxygen Gradient Chip & Shape Memory Scaffold for Osteochondral Regeneration 성학준 연세의대 의공학교실
09:35-10:00 Unveiling the Impact of Anti-Rheumatoid Arthritis Medications on Bone Health 주지현 가톨릭의대 류마티스내과 Bioengineered Bone Organoids on Osteoid-Mimicking Demineralized Bone Paper 이정우 University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
10:00-10:25 Keeping Bones Strong in CKD Patients: The Optimal Strategy 김지은 고려의대 신장내과 Well-Plate Format Bone-on-a-Chip System for Bone Metabolism Research 김정아 한국기초과학지원연구원 연구장비개발부
10:25-10:50 Debunking Myths: Is Stopping Anti-Resorptives Always necessary in Dental Procedures? 김진우 이화의대 구강악안면외과 Heterogeneous Osteoimmune Profiles via Single-Cell Transcriptomics in osteoporotic Patients who fail Bisphosphonate Treatment 김건화 한국기초과학지원연구원 디지털오믹스연구부
10:50-11:10 Coffee Break
Plenary lecture
11:10-12:00 Transcriptional Regulation of Gene Expression 류현모 (서울치대 치과약리학교실)
Sponsored Lecture
12:00-12:15 The Therapeutic Roles of Drinkable Alendronate in Osteoporosis Patients (Masibon S)안성희 인하의대 내분비내과
12:15-13:00 Lunch
Keynote Symposium
The Crossroads of Bone and Other Tissues: Exploring Interactions and Implications
13:00-13:25 The Lifelong Dynamic Duo: Bone and Muscle김범준 울산의대 내분비내과
13:25-13:50 Bone and Fat: Friends or Foes?이현승 충남의대 내분비내과
13:50-14:15 Bone and Tendon: The Ultimate FriendsElazar Zelzer Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Presidential lecture
14:15-14:35 A Journey from Fruit Flies to Human Skeletons : Unveiling the Fine-Tuners of Bone Homeostasis김낙성 전남의대 약리학교실
14:35-14:55 Coffee Break
Symposium 3. Fractures as Our Primary Outcome: Key Insights and Strategies Symposium 4. Advances in Muscle Research
14:55-15:20 Life-Saving Hip Fracture Surgery in Seniors: Overcoming Medical Obstacles 이영균 서울의대 정형외과 Characteristic of Muscle Fatty Degeneration in Patients with Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2B and Animal Models 문영재 전북의대 생화학분자생물학교실
15:20-15:45 Rethinking Vertebroplasty: Holistic Approaches to Acute Compression Fractures 이병호 연세의대 정형외과 Reinforcing Differentiation of Oxidative Muscle Fibers and Mitochondrial Biogenesis by RORα-Mediated Upregulation of TFAM in Myosteatosis 이미옥 서울대 약대 약학과
15:45-16:10 Life After a Fracture: Comprehensive Aftercare for Better Recovery 임재영 서울의대 재활의학과 Epigenetic Strategies for Reversing Mammalian Aging 양재현 한국과학기술원 뇌인지과학과
16:10-16:20 Break
2024 학술대상
16:20-16:40 TBD이유미 (연세의대 내분비내과)
16:40-16:50 2024 연구상, 젊은연구자상, 우수논문상 시상
16:50-17:00 총회
17:00-17:05 폐회사대한골대사학회 이사장 백기현

Copyright© Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research. All right reserved.

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  • 사업자번호 106-82-62498

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